Dreamsdesign provides access to this site free of charge to provide information about Dreamsdesign, its capabilities and the work if has done for its local and global clients.
We welcome visitors to the site but want to make it clear what rule and regulations apply to use of site.
The sole authorized use of this site is to obtain information about Dreamsdesign and no other use is permitted. Dreamsdesign retains the trademark and copyrights on all the text, graphics and content on this site. All the trade mark displayed on this site are owned by Dreamsdesign.
No distribution of text , graphic and content is permitted without the explicit and expression prior written consent of Dreamsdesign and distribution of information, modification or reuse of text, graphic on this or any system / medium is not permitted until and unless prior written consent is attained.
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The information on this site has been included in good faith and for in general purposes only. It should not be relied upon for any claims by whatever name called, for any specific purpose and no representation or warranty is given as regards its accuracy or completeness.
Dreamsdesign and store personally identifiable information about persons who visits the site and voluntarily submit information in contacting Dreamsdesign.
Dreamsdesign assumes no responsibility for the security of this site on your communication with the site. Dreamsdesign or its officers, employees or agents shall not be liable for any loss, damage or expense arising out of any access to,or use of its site or any site linked to it, including, without limitation, any loss of profit, indirect, incidental or consequential loss, even if perfect has been informed of possibility of such damages and without regards to negligence.
Dreamsdesign reserves the right to revise and update these rules and regulations at any time, effective on the date of position to this site of the new and amended rules.
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